Building a development CAS environment with CASinoApp and casino-test_authenticator
Sometimes it’s useful to be able to run a development CAS instance which allows you to authenticate test users easily without createing lots of test accounts. I wrote casino-test_authenticator for exactly this purpose and you can get it running 2-3 minutes with Casino
First get a copy of CASinoApp
git clone
cd CASinoApp
Add the following to CasinoApp’s Gemfile
gem 'casino-test_authenticator'
Then configure config/cas.yml to include the test authenticator in the development environment
And configure the database in config/database.yml
Get all the prerequisites installed
Load the database
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
And run the application
rails s
Or use -p
rails s -p 9999
You should be able to access http://localhost:3000/ and log in when username==password